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Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life

Back in 2009, before ANYONE was talking about using mental or spiritual strategies to achieve weight loss success, there I was, all by myself, surrounded by skeptics. Today, it’s pretty much universally accepted that transforming your thoughts is the key to achieving success in any endeavor, including your weight loss. But how can you do it? In this series I share 4 easy steps you can take. I will update this Success Series with additional insights, but I watched it the other day and I’m so proud of what an excellent job “young me” did on these videos!  (Side note: this was waaaay before these new easy video editing software programs. These videos were all built with the now-defunct, extremely difficult “Flash” program.) In any case, try implementing these strategies for just one month to see how your life transforms.

Introduction: 4 Steps To Weight Loss Success

I have been hesitant to just put any “internal plan” out there because I utterly despise anyone telling me “this is the way to do” anything. I don’t subscribe to that philosophy; that’s NOT how I choose to live my life. And if anyone does tell me “do it this way,” I will consciously find a different way to do it… it’s not even a subconscious thing for me. I live in the retirement capital of the world. I see the result of people who have wasted their entire lives living out someone else’s ideas; I’m not wasting a minute of mine! I am an Individual/Geek/Freak/Nerd/Creator… thank you very much, but I choose to find my own way and I have encouraged you to find yours. Now, that being said, my friggin’ in-box is constantly flooded with “Yeah, yeah, yeah… just tell me exactly what YOU do!” emails. I felt compelled to begin answering that with a Success Series. What follows are 4 Quick Practices I do everyday to stay in an elevated, creative energy stream. This will be an ongoing series and I will add more things I do during the course of the day. I’ve tried for months to put y’all on to some amazing books to develop your own plan for inner work. I realize I need to just show how I incorporate different teachings and you can get the books or recordings and explore more if you so choose.

Step 1: Weight Loss Subliminal Messages

While I believe all of these practices can be incorporated into anyone’s schedule, for those who complain about time, you absolutely can incorporate this practice: Listening to Subliminal Messages while you sleep. Subliminal Messages are used by top performers in the most competitive fields for a reason! And listening to them while you sleep is as Type Z as it gets. Do they work? Probably a little too well! [Click Here To Read My Hilarious Friend’s Warning.] The links to the Weight Loss Messages I personally listen to are below, however, the coupon code is good for any of their weight loss subliminal messages.  They have many to choose from, so explore their site for the ones that would work best for you and your mental success strategy. This site is phenomenal and their scripts are sensational. 

before after weight loss pictures videos impatientdieter brokehozempic how to lose belly mind body connection

Exercise Subliminal

subliminal messages mind body connection mental before after weight loss pictures videos impatientdieter brokehozempic how to lose belly

Diet Subliminal

subliminal messages mind body connection mental before after weight loss pictures videos impatientdieter brokehozempic how to lose belly

Weight Subliminal

Subliminal Messages are an excellent foundation for Changing Your Thinking. They embed directly into your subconscious mind. They are effortless and yes… they definitely work! That’s why it is illegal for advertisers to use them. As Dr. Bruce Lipton explains, “The subconscious is in control 95-99% of the time.” So how do things get into the subconscious? The conscious mind must learn them first then store them there. What happens when we try to teach the conscious mind, make changes, and break old habits? We are typically met with resistance. Subliminal Messages are my Easy Way to bypass that entire “Conscious Learning” Process.

I had this warning on my old website because I got a lot of emails from women who were asking me to do a video about the “Attract Men” subliminal album.  I decided to include that warning here as well.  I will be making subliminal messages an ongoing series because I believe they have been instrumental in my entire life, not just for weight loss.

For those of you downloading male-attraction messages, read my friend’s warning first! And again, BE CAREFUL with the messages you download! Read the Scripts. Read the FAQs. Stick to weight loss and diet messages for now; I’ll make Subliminal Messages an Ongoing Video Series and we’ll discuss graduating to some of the other messages!

Step 2: Mirror Work

Please do this every morning. It will change your life. Looking into your eyes is POWERFUL!

So many people truly, deeply, whole-heartedly, and foolishly believe (despite all their personal evidence to the contrary), that they are going to “hate their way to success.” How’s that working? Do politicians “hate their way” into office? Do athletes “hate their way” to Olympic Gold? Do scholars “hate their way” to their degrees? KNOCK IT OFF, PEOPLE! THAT DOESN’T EVEN KIND OF MAKE SENSE! Labeling yourself a failure and hating yourself DOES NOT WORK. The word “IDENTIFY” literally means “to make the same.” When you “IDENTIFY” with “failure,” you “make yourself the same” as “failure.” You absolutely CANNOT succeed. Any temporary “success” you do experience will quickly go away, because you have “made yourself the same” as “failure”… the same as the energy stream of “failure.” You are nothing more than energy. To “make yourself the same” as the energy of “success,” you must identify with being a “success.” You are not going to “hate your way” to weight loss “success.” SOUND is literally a wave of power. The words you use to “identify” yourself HAVE POWER. Please STOP identifying yourself as a Failure. You have the worst addiction there is. Your recovery starts with loving yourself. Stop running that toxic programming stored in your subconscious as a child. Take control. This is YOUR life. OWN IT! Begin each day with some very Quick, Type Z, Powerful Mirror Work.

Visit Louise Hay’s site for all of her incredible books:

Louise Hay also has a movie, “You Can Heal Your Life”

Step 3: Visualization Quiet Time (AH Meditation)

Back in the day, your YouTube videos had to be less than 10 minutes in length.  I had to edit about 5 min off this video. I wanted to talk about printing out and carrying a tiny card with a list of goals & images with you at all times. But we’ll have to save the tip of “Carrying Your List of Goals” for the next “Mind Week.”

“Meditations for Manifesting”
Dr. Dyer beautifully teaches this extraordinary meditation technique for attracting your desires.
Amazon Link — CD or MP3 of “Meditations for Manifesting” $5-8 on Amazon
iTunes Link — Download it right to your iPhone for $5.99 (that app looks cool as hell)

“Maybe Tomorrow” by Ultraspank, off the “Progress” CD
Amazon Link — Song $0.99
iTunes Link — Song $0.99

Massage Chair Cushions:
Get them anywhere from just down your block off to… anywhere. Make sure to read the reviews and get the ones that everyone is complaining ONLY vibrate. You DON’T want an actual massage. Make sure the SEAT vibrates — look for a THIGH setting. Your energy is going to radiate up from your Creative “Root” (Dr. Dyer will explain on the CD).

Give this AH Meditation technique a try for a month and it’s a wrap! The energy you walk around with all day is going to be amazing! Download those albums. Type a list of goals. Collect cool pictures that correspond to your goals. Create your powerpoint slide show. Get a vibrating chair cushion… and it’s all over. The next video has even more meditation/vibration tips.

Step 4: Gratitude Quiet Time (OM Meditation)

I can sum this description up in one sentence: Gratitude Is Magnetic! That’s all that needs to be said. Whatever tradition you practice, whatever way you choose to express it, whatever method you choose to convey it… GRATITUDE, GRATITUDE, GRATITUDE!

This OM Meditation is on the second half of Dr. Dyer’s “Meditations For Manifesting”
Amazon Link — CD or MP3 of “Meditations for Manifesting” $5-8 on Amazon
iTunes Link — Download it right to your iPhone for $5.99 (that app looks cool as hell)

So that’s the plan, people! 4 simple things to raise your vibration. Do these for a month and I’ll never hear from you again because you won’t need me for weight loss inspiration!
1. Listen to Weight Loss Subliminal Messages as You Sleep
2. A Quick Mirror Work Practice When You Wake Up
3. 15 Min Quiet Time with Your Goals & Images
4. 15 Min Quiet Time with Your Gratitude List

Making this video series was fun, but it was a lot of work! Huge thanks again for all the Photoshop & Flash animation tutorials by Youtube Teacher Extraordinaire, Tutvid. Subscribe to him at and support his site:

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