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I am The Impatient Dieter.  I have the first morbidly obese daily video weight loss journey ever published on the internet.  I have lost over 100 pounds TWICE on YouTube.  Social Media had never seen anything like me before and hasn’t seen anything like me since.  My pioneering journey was in 2009 and I left the internet in 2011.  After a health battle and subsequent depression, I regained all my weight and more, and returned in 2023.  My ongoing journey, My Microbiome Makeover, focuses on balancing the gut microbiome to quickly and easily lose weight.


Who said, all the way back in 2009, that as soon as these diet programs could profit from fast weight loss they would change their tune and stop demonizing it?  Hmm… oh, that’s right… it was me!  Now EVERY 👏🏿 SINGLE 👏🏿 ONE 👏🏿 OF 👏🏿 THEM 👏🏿 has an Ozempic program!  Weight Watchers, Mayo Clinic, all of them have programs.  Because slow weight loss sucks and they have decades of research and fat wallets to confirm you’re not going to stick with it.  You in a cycle of falling off the wagon is how they made their money in the past, and now you getting trapped on their designer drugs is how they’re making an unholy fortune now!  (Novo Nordisk, the makers of Ozempic and Wegovy, is worth more than their ENTIRE home country of Denmark.)


Don’t you love how they played in our faces?  They told us FOR YEARS the reason drug prices are so high is because of all the testing involved.  Then they had the unmitigated gall to unleash this hoard of weight loss drugs with outrageous price tags that had virtually no weight loss testing whatsoever.  They tried us!  Let them have their cash grab.  I affectionately refer to my low-cost diet and exercise plan as BrokeHozempic!  I will show you how I got fast Ozempic results without old lady Ozempic-Face, flat Ozempic-Butt, or empty Ozempic-Wallet!  Keep that cash for your new wardrobe and let me show you how to get right!  They lose muscle, not fat, that’s why their bodies are toe-up.  (We’ll discuss Dr. Attia’s DEXA scan findings.)  I post body shots so you can examine my easily-achievable results with a hybrid liquid diet, exercise, and water.  I don’t just tell you something works, I show you with videos.  BrokeHozempic works!

brokehozempic impatientdieter


I predate the concept of “The Online Influencer” by at least five years.  That ridiculous title did not exist in 2009.  We were ordinary people, who gave our honest opinions about products, and we were not sold out to sponsors.  If I tell you something works, it’s because it does.  Secondly, I am not some skinny girl who decided to pose at the gym in booty shorts and call myself a Weight Loss Influencer.  Likewise, I am not a fit personal trainer nor dietitian who sat in a classroom and has no firsthand fat girl experience.  I was morbidly obese and I earned every pound of my weight, every stretch mark on my skin, and every inch of its looseness.  I know all of your concerns because I lived them, and on this website, I show you how I addressed them.  I shaped my body and lost every single pound without any drugs or surgery.  I am southern, country as hell, and a hardcore conspiracy theorist.  We don’t trust Big Pharma ’round here, and I’m not about to be their lab rat, injecting myself with experimental weight loss concoctions that have no long-term testing.

This site is for INFORMATIONAL purposes only. I am losing weight using a diet plan that I developed through my own research and received the approval of my doctor for me.  I’m simply using a meal-replacement shake (not a diet shake) to balance my gut microbiome. I encourage you to do your own research and prepare your plan with your doctor. I am not a doctor. I am not a dietitian. I am a weird, loud, colorful character who uploads 5-minute videos on Youtube. Nothing within this website or on my videos is intended as a substitution for medical advice.

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