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I had never heard of Diet Direct when I began my weight loss journey in 2009.  I never mentioned nor promoted them in any video because someone from their company reached out to me AFTER my journey ended to put links on a new website I created for my YouTube subscribers who kept emailing with questions.  I actually ordered the same shake from a different business.  Diet Direct and many other businesses essentially dropship and distribute that shake with their own branding.  Where do they all get this shake from?  That’s the mystery of an upcoming video.  In any case, I have never shared how poorly I was treated by Diet Direct / Wonderslim, after I single-handedly elevated that company to where it is today.  I know most of you are too young to know this, but Diet Direct had virtually no name recognition before me.  The woman in charge of advertising was shocked at how many customers I brought to her business.  The call center employees (yes, people actually phoned-in orders back then) stopped asking customers “who” referred them, and began simply asking, “Did you hear about Diet Direct from ImpatientDieter?”  In 2009, YouTube was a collection of college skits, gamers, and cat videos.  Many businesses did not understand the potential and power of YouTube/Social Media back then; it was something kids played around on.  However, my impact was far and wide.  Google my name; though many of the blogs and message boards have closed down, you’ll still find articles and reviews written many YEARS after I left the internet in 2011, often calling Diet Direct’s Wonderslim shake “The ImpatientDieter Diet.”  You may have never heard of me specifically, but if you are drinking Diet Direct shakes, I am the reason why.  However, the abhorrent treatment I received from Diet Direct, as a Black woman, not only inspired me to quit YouTube, but to spend time outside of the United States (something I recommend for every Black person).  I have not edited that “Diet Direct Storytime” video (it is quite long), but I will be posting it shortly.


diet direct wonderslim review ingredients

Let me be clear:  I’m not saying the way Diet Direct treated me is the reason you should stop drinking Wonderslim shakes.  If you only patronize businesses that don’t have a history of mistreating Black people, you won’t have many to choose from in America!  No, the reason you should stop drinking Diet Direct shakes is because you only have one body and should not be flooding it with that nasty concoction of chemicals.  Take it from someone who went through a true health scare, NONE of the money you saved eating crap means a damn thing if you don’t have your health.


As you all know, I had a terrible bout with fibroids after years of neglecting my health care.  After a massive weight gain, I wanted to do another weight loss journey on YouTube.  Those who have been on this second weight loss journey with me have seen that I tried several different shakes before finding these.  When I tell you that manifestation and attraction work, this is the PERFECT example!  In the upcoming storytime video, I share how I discovered the most amazing gut-balancing shakes… not knowing that the owner of the company, Marc Washington, is Black!

Everything in this world happens for a reason.  Thankfully, I did not spend the last 12 years promoting DietDirect’s shake of chemicals.  And I am unbelievably grateful to The Universe that I attracted a Black-owned business with the BEST shakes in existence!

supergut comparison impatient dieter


brokehozempic impatientdieter

Many people have heard of GLP-1 thanks to the popularity of weight loss drugs like Ozempic and Wegovy.  GLP-1 is a hormone naturally released by your gut to control your appetite by telling your brain that you are full.  It also slows down the emptying time of food from your gut and helps to balance your blood sugar.  These designer drugs mimic the GLP-1 hormone, but to an unnatural, exaggerated degree — lasting days on end.  But what if you could trigger your body to naturally produce the GLP-1 hormone without experimental drugs?  You can with the right combination of prebiotic fiber, which is nature’s Ozempic.  Supergut’s proprietary prebiotic fiber blend is the ONLY shake that has been clinically tested and proven to boost the hormones that tell your body it’s full, improve appetite control, and support weight loss.

supergut ozempic alternative impatientdieter

Visit My Diet Page to see how I incorporated these shakes into my BrokeHozempic strategy to quickly and easily drop the pounds!

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