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Supplement companies can claim their products contain any ingredients without proof.


Supplement companies can claim their products address health issues without proof.


Anyone can bottle up random ingredients in their kitchen and sell them as supplements.


Harvard study found 89% of supplements tested did not have the stated ingredients.


`impatient dieter supergut liquid diet weight loss

Thanks to Bought & Paid For Politicians...

as long as you put a disclaimer on your packaging stating "this product has not been evaluated by the FDA," anyone anywhere can sell anything as supplements in America. Scary stuff! Supplements are the Wild Wild West and attract hoards of Snake Oil Salesmen.

Third-Party Testing is the only safeguard for consumers

Independent investigators, in a clinical setting, confirm the supplement actually contains all of the ingredients and actually addresses health issues. With all the nutrition shakes on the market, do you know how many shake manufacturers have had third-party clinical testing? ONE!

`impatient dieter supergut liquid diet weight loss

Supercharge yourself with Supergut!

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Supergut Shakes

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Supergut Bars

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impatientdieter fiber liquid diet weight loss journey supergut microbiome makeover

Supergut Fiber

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Why does Supergut work so well?

GLP-1 is a very powerful appetite suppressant that your gut naturally produces to tell your brain you are full. You can trigger your gut to produce GLP-1 with prebiotic fiber, Nature’s Ozempic. You see, you can’t digest prebiotic fiber, but the microbes in your gut can. Feeding those microbes certain fibers balances your gut, makes you feel full, and has been shown effective in weight loss. Supergut has a special formulation of resistant starch and prebiotic fiber that they don’t just claim is effective — unlike all the other shake companies — they have a clinical study to back it up.

`impatient dieter supergut liquid diet weight loss

👋 Hi GuysZdravoBonjourSupHolaSannuHalloNi HaoChelloWOOOO! Konnichiwa

This website is under construction and I am months behind in editing my videos. I will be adding my Supergut videos to this page once they are edited together so you can see how I mix them up and how I use the fiber packets in my cooking. I'll be doing plenty more Supergut videos, as I'm still going to continue to drink them as a part of my maintenance program.

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