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This page is very long, but it contains the answers to questions you all asked about how and why my plan works, as well as links to resources for more information. However, if you are looking for a quick, 5-minute (Gen Z) overview of my plan, please visit my Diet Page.

What is BrokeHozempic?

I affectionately refer to my Diet and Exercise Weight Loss Plan as Broke Hozempic. It’s the Ozempic Alternative. Fast and easy weight loss through Diet, Exercise, and Water. Ozempic results without saggy faces, droopy booties, and empty bank accounts. If you have $1200/month to turn yourself into the old lady that hands you the cart when you walk into Walmart, get on Ozempic. This plan isn’t for you. This is BrokeHozempic! LOL I’m having too much fun writing this! 😭

What is a Hybrid Liquid Diet?

Very simply, some of the calories I consume are in Liquid Form and some are from Solid Food. This is a much easier method to reset my gut microbiome and lose weight more sustainably.

How does your plan work?

My diet is a combination of 4 proven weight loss strategies.

Metabolic Boost

Metabolic Boost

I eat 6 meals per day
2 breakfasts, 2 lunches, 2 dinners

Liquid Diet

Liquid Diet

2 Meal-Replacement Shakes
(broken up into 4 small shake meals)
2 "Solid Food" Meals

Caloric Restriction

Caloric Restriction

1200-1300 calories per day
(almost always right around 1200)

Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent Fasting

I have an 11:30-5:30 eating window
See my Schedule Page for a complete hourly breakdown

supergut impatient dieter shakes brokehoezempic

Where can I find the meal-replacement shakes you drink?

Those who have followed my Season 2 journey know that I have been searching for the perfect shake for my Microbiome Makeover. That search is over. Supergut has blown away the competition. During my first weight loss journey, I, regretfully, used a shake full of chemicals (it was 2009 and no one knew any better). I’m over the moon that I have attracted the PERFECT shake for The Microbiome Makeover Journey. This is a shake specifically formulated for your gut health!!! I couldn’t be more thrilled and I’m going to spread the word!!!

Why are you so excited about this shake?

It is the only meal-replacement shake clinically proven to boost gut health.

It is packed with prebiotic resistant starch fiber to control hunger (Nature's Ozempic).

The variety of flavors taste sensational.

This company is Black Owned.

Supercharge your health with Supergut!

impatientdieter shakes liquid diet weight loss journey supergut microbiome

Supergut Shakes

Save 20%

impatientdieter bars liquid diet weight loss journey supergut microbiome

Supergut Bars

Save 20%

impatientdieter fiber liquid diet weight loss journey supergut microbiome makeover

Supergut Fiber

Save 20%

How can this possibly be a better alternative than taking Ozempic?

It’s better because it’s natural.  GLP-1 is a hormone released by your gut to control your appetite by telling your brain that you are full.  It also slows down the emptying time of food from your gut and helps to balance your blood sugar.  This is your body’s natural process. However, these designer drugs mimic the GLP-1 hormone to an unnatural, exaggerated degree — lasting days on end (with very real known and unknown risks).  You can trigger your body to naturally produce the GLP-1 hormone without experimental drugs by using the right combination of prebiotic fiber.  That’s why it is called nature’s Ozempic.  Supergut is the ONLY shake that has been clinically tested and proven to boost the hormones that tell your body it’s full, improve appetite control, and support weight loss.

But aren't people losing a lot of weight faster on Ozempic?

You don’t want to “lose weight,” you want to “lose fat.” The FDA did not require muscle DEXA scans of patients prior to approving these drugs.  Dr. Peter Attia conducted Before and After DEXA scans and published his findings that EVERY SINGLE PATIENT lost massive amounts of muscle on Ozempic; more than he had ever seen on any weight management regimen in all of his years practicing medicine. So when you look at these people on TikTok, sure, they are losing “weight” fast, because muscle weighs more than fat.  But in Dr. Attia’s words, “though they weigh less, they’re actually more fat.” And if you watch their TikToks they are telling you what the real deal is… they’re just not eating.  GLP-1 is a very powerful appetite suppressant and they’re injecting a synthetic form.  When you don’t eat, you don’t/can’t exercise.  They aren’t feeding their bodies nutrition and exercising; they’re starving themselves thin. That’s why their bodies and faces look old afterward. The muscle that gives the body its youthful shape is gone. They aged themselves and played themselves! You want to eat, you want to exercise, and you want to drink lots of water… you want BrokeHozempic!

Is that all you are consuming?

I am very passionate about and highly convinced supplements are key and we need to incorporate them into our regimen. I will post an entire series on the supplements I’m taking that you guys can follow on my Supplements Page. I’ll explain why I’m taking each and provide a review of how each are personally working for me.

Sounds great, but what if I have the urge to chew?

Are you kidding me? That’s why I planned the two meals! I foresaw my need to chew, people! Those of you who can go all-liquid are my heroes! Hell to the No!

Don't people on liquid diets gain it all back?

LOL… 95% of ALL dieters gain it back! It does not matter how you lose it! As I stressed over and over, you need to have the right mindset to prevent regaining your weight. Oprah did a liquid diet… gained it all back. Oprah did a slow, hard-way diet… gained it all back. Kirstie Alley was PAID MILLIONS to do a hard-way, slow diet… gained it all back. A very SMALL percentage of people do liquid diets. Thus, that 95% figure is more representative of people who do hard-way, slow diets… and guess what… they have a 95% failure rate! If you believe in doing it the “Hard Way,” you are in luck; there are plenty of shows for you on Youtube!

Why is your way working?

1. Flushing your system on a liquid diet — I drink 2 Shakes (divided into 4 servings) + 3/4 to 1 Gallon of Water
2. Constant liquid consumption speeds up your metabolism & flushes out toxins
3. The shakes provide a controlled calorie count.
4. New research shows eating fat burns fat (takes over 10 years for “new research” to become conventional)
5. Eating more often speeds up your metabolism
6. Exercising in the morning & evening boosts your metabolism
7. All that liquid protein boosts your metabolism
8. The Super Foods and Vegetables in these shakes build up your gut microbiome.
9. Water/Liquid aids in assimilation of all those nutrients
10. People on Meal-Replacement Diets Lose & Keep Off Substantially More Than Those on Self-Directed Diets
And It’s High-Protein Diets FTW!

Why not just keep that calorie count and eat regular food, not shakes?

I keep emphasizing the liquid portion of the diet is crucial in it not “taking forever!” There is a reason why liquid diets are so much more fast working than solid food. Liquid Nutrition is the same food, but in a more bioavailable form. Your body is not going to hold onto its fat reserves as long as it is receiving that nutrition. The liquid is key in the speed of the weight loss. It’s flushing out the toxins and at the same time delivering nutrition (think of it like a water fast on steroids!). This is why doctors put patients on a liquid diet when they need to get that weight off quickly to prepare for surgery. They don’t put them on low calorie solid food! LOL They put them on liquid for a reason. Liquid Diets work fast. That’s why I selected a Liquid Diet. I am the ImpatientDieter!
Do your own research. Here’s a link to start you off:

Why eat so many times each day?

To boost my metabolism. Eating few meals a day triggers your body’s starvation response. Consuming less meals turns you into a fat-storing, binge-seeking slug. Eating many meals energizes you and your metabolism.
Do your own research. Here’s a link to start you off:

Why such high protein consumption?

Protein boosts your metabolism for weight loss, encourages fat loss, and preserves lean muscle. I get more than the RDA. We will discuss this on a future episode of “The Easy Way Show!” WOOOOOO!
Do your own research. Here’s a link to start you off:

Couldn't you drink any protein shake?

NOOOO! A protein shake is a supplement shake. You need a meal-replacement shake. You are replacing meals; thus, you need a meal-replacement shake. Talk to your doctor about meal-replacement shakes. Your typical supplement shake is designed for athletes to enhance their performance and GAIN weight. A meal-replacement shake is formulate to provide you the vital nutrients and vitamins your body requires to healthily function correctly. Feeding your body the nutrients it needs is not only vital to your health, but crucial in your body not feeling deprived and holding on to its reserves for survival. You get ONE life. You need to value it; it is irreplaceable! Again, discuss this with your doctor! Don’t email me! My site is not medical advice to you. My site and youtube channel showcase what I did and used to lose weight. I cannot offer advice to you.

Here’s a protein shake nutrition information label to compare the vitamins and daily value percentage. Note all the zeros under vitamins:

Why didn't you drink Wal-mart Shakes?

Please, y’all know I’m a Wal-mart Warrior! I love Sam. But this is the one time he slipped… on those shakes… hmmm…
OK, Slimfast (and the Walmart version) do not work (as fast) for a few reasons:
#1 They taste like sh!#. We are dieters for a reason. We like things that taste good. Those shakes do not. I’m not going to be committed to something that does not taste good (and neither are you).
#2 Not as many essential vitamins and minerals (we want to make sure we’re running our machine at top-notch to burn off that weight).
#3 They’re way too high in carbs, way too low in protein. Compare the Net Carbs and Protein of a Slimfast Shake vs. Supergut:
Slimfast Chocolate Shake Nutrition Information
Supergut Nutrition Information

You know we need high protein to preserve our muscle. But, we actually haven’t talked about carbs. I always think these things are common knowledge because I know them, but let me break it down real quick. Your body burns carbs for energy before it begins burning fat. If you are consuming a bunch of carbs (sugar), your body has to burn all of those off before it starts burning fat. Look it up, google it so you can understand. That’s the basis of Atkins. That’s how Atkins works (cutting carbs really low so the body only has fat to burn for energy–its second energy source).

Read About How Carbs Make You Fat:

Diabetes Health Article:
Dr. Andrew Weil Article:
Women & Insulin Resistance:

If you are literally drinking a bunch of liquid carbs… liquid carbs… uhh-uhh, people! No, this doesn’t sound like Impatient Dieting to me. We need to discuss that whole calorie is a calorie is a calorie horsesh!#. It’s not true.
Protein vs. Fat vs. Carb process differently.

Now Let's Discuss Insulin Resistance

Also if you have some degree of insulin resistance (which most people 40 – 50 lbs or more overweight do), your body cannot break down carbs. The carbs you consume do not get used for energy. The carbs do not get to your cells. The carbs go straight to fat storage, and they impede your body from burning the fat that it is already carrying. Your doctor can order blood work to ensure you don’t have insulin resistance. If you do, you need to stay away from carbs until you get your weight down and your body re-learns how to break them down.

Watch this amazing lecture by Nutrition Ninja, Tom Naughton, where he cites this study in which fat mice STARVED to death WITHOUT burning their body fat due to the body’s insulin response.

I’ll be reviewing his amazing documentary “Fat Head”

OK, so here's what you need:

— a meal-replacement shake (so you get all your nutrients)
— with low carbs (so your body quickly burns through them and goes straight to it’s stored fat for energy)
— with high protein (so you preserve your lean muscle)
— that does not taste like gym socks (Sorry Sam and Slimfast… and Optifast!)

But yes, those shakes have too many carbs. That’s why they don’t work (as fast). These meal-replacement shakes have high protein and low carbs. So it’s basically like “Liquid Atkins.” And on the subject of carbs: Unless you are going to have a very physical routine (at least during your weight loss phase) you need to cut the carbs. I eat a varied amount of additional carbs with my solid meals to support my exercise, but if you are NOT going to have a very active routine, your doctor will most likely advise you to take even my small amount of additional carbs out. Talk to your doctor! Anyway, we’ll discuss it soon on “The Easy Way Show!”

Why do you eat fat?

For a number of reasons already previously discussed in earlier videos including, but not limited to: avoiding plateaus, circumventing the body’s starvation response, feeling of fullness, energy for my workouts, hair, nails, skin, mood, and consuming fat actually burns more fat.
But do your own research. Here are a few links to start you off:

Why do you eat carbohydrates at all?

You need them to support your physical activity. This is a topic we haven’t discussed. I will be discussing this topic on a future episode. However, as stated above, many people 40-50 lbs or more overweight have some degree of insulin resistance. Therefore, you need to discuss with your doctor if consuming carbs is appropriate for you at this time. You can re-incorporate them once you have released some weight and your body has re-learned how to break them down. But you will be hitting your head against a wall if you are insulin-resistant and cannot break down the carbs. They will just be stored as fat… and your efforts will be frustrated. Do your own research on insulin resistance.

1200 calories doesn't sound low enough?

Extremely low calorie diets decrease your metabolism; I wanted to energize mine. Because most dieters don’t/can’t exercise on them, they typically have the opposite result – with mostly fluid and muscle loss. Because your body has lost muscle, when you gain the weight back, there is less muscle to burn it off, which means ultimately dieters get fatter and fatter with each diet.
Do your own research. Here’s a link to start you off:

Why do you drink so much water?

To burn fat, your fat cells have to be free of the excess water and toxins you are retaining right now. If you’re the type of person who hasn’t been drinking enough (*raises her hand*), your body retains it — a lot of it — as a survival response. Drinking water speeds up your metabolism, flushes out impurities, and aids in your weight loss.
Do your own research. Here’s a link to start you off:

Why don't you have loose skin and stretch marks?

My MSM video addresses your most Frequently Asked Question: the issues of loose skin and stretch marks and how I prevented getting them. The answer is MSM. Sulfur is called nature’s beauty mineral because it keeps your hair glossy and smooth and your complexion clear and youthful. It slows down the aging process and is vital for the production of collagen, which maintains elastin in the skin (sulfur deficiency will produce scars). But I have started shooting both a Skin Tightening and a Scar Diminishing Series.

Please visit my new DMSO & MSM Page and watch my introductory video for a brief discussion on the science of how both of these miraculous gifts from nature benefit your skin and body. You can also read how I personally am taking them orally and topically and follow my progress in this video series. Also view the video playlists by physician, Dr. Stanley Jacob, and Nutrition Ninja, Daniel Vitalis.

Is that the only reason you're so successful?

Cynics would say yes…Those who think like me would say no! I keep emphasizing that my thinking is different. Most people don’t have “the ears to hear” that. I am trying my hardest to get people to realize the power to create their “goal body” is within them. Detach yourself from your weight, the messages of defeat you expose yourselves to everyday, and stop limiting your vision to the things you “can see.” As Dr. Dyer puts it, “…if you’re limiting yourself only to things you can see, why are you paying your electric bill?” Now I don’t want to minimize the Supergut, the water, the exercise, speeding up metabolism… all of that works together… the faith and the deeds work together! LOL

Please watch my New Type Z Success Series. I share 4 Quick, Simple Practices you can do every day to help you achieve your goals. While I believe all of these practices can be incorporated into anyone’s schedule, for those who complain about time, you absolutely can incorporate listening to Subliminal Messages while you sleep. They are a success tool used by everyone from Stephen Spielberg to Tiger Woods to Tony Robbins to ImpatientDieter! And listening to them while you sleep is as Type Z as it gets. Do they work? Probably a little too well! [Click Here To Read My Hilarious Friend’s Warning.] I listen to these 3 messages:

Exercise Motivation

Diet Motivation

Permanent Weight Loss

More information and 20% Off Coupons on my Subliminal Messages Page

Are you doing anything else for your body?

I believe that the protein and fat I am consuming have contributed to my non-hanging, tight skin. Fat and protein are vital for skin. I get in morning and evening exercising. I do a lot of visualization, meditation, and most of all… I believe I create my own reality. Visit my MSM & DMSO Page for a discussion of how MSM can help you tighten skin and diminish stretch marks. I do not have severe stretch marks, but I do have tiny ones. Many women report that they formed during puberty. I honestly don’t recall; I certainly was not vain enough to notice back then; I was too busy being a nerd. But I am trying several topical aids to diminish them and you can follow that series on my Stretch Marks Page. In addition, I believe I have found the PERFECT compression suits for us.  I have one that I work out in and one that I sleep in… and a sweat waist trainer that is giving me life!!!  Follow that series on my Compression Suits Page for “Type Z Body Toning!”

What else do I need?

Shaker Bottle:

Cheap Blender For Home or Office:

Grape Drink:

Free or Cheap Treadmills:

Join me as I walk you through my entire day on my Schedule Page

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