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The Power Of Looking Into Your Eyes

Mirror Work is a powerful technique taught by Louise Hay in her book “You Can Heal Your Life.”  During her time on our Earth plane, she wrote so many impactful books.  She always stressed that at the center of all of our problems is not loving ourselves and she offered practical techniques to change that.  I will do more videos about her teachings and her affirmations, but this practice is very easy and takes no time at all.  Please do this every morning. It will change your life. Looking into your eyes is POWERFUL!

So many people truly, deeply, whole-heartedly, and foolishly believe (despite all their personal evidence to the contrary), that they are going to “hate their way to success.” How’s that working? Do politicians “hate their way” into office? Do athletes “hate their way” to Olympic Gold? Do scholars “hate their way” to their degrees? KNOCK IT OFF, PEOPLE! THAT DOESN’T EVEN KIND OF MAKE SENSE! Labeling yourself a failure and hating yourself DOES NOT WORK. The word “IDENTIFY” literally means “to make the same.” When you “IDENTIFY” with “failure,” you “make yourself the same” as “failure.” You absolutely CANNOT succeed. Any temporary “success” you do experience will quickly go away, because you have “made yourself the same” as “failure”… the same as the energy stream of “failure.” You are nothing more than energy. To “make yourself the same” as the energy of “success,” you must identify with being a “success.” You are not going to “hate your way” to weight loss “success.” SOUND is literally a wave of power. The words you use to “identify” yourself HAVE POWER. Please STOP identifying yourself as a Failure. You have the worst addiction there is. Your recovery starts with loving yourself. Stop running that toxic programming stored in your subconscious as a child. Take control. This is YOUR life. OWN IT! Begin each day with some very Quick, Type Z, Powerful Mirror Work.

Visit Louise Hay’s site for all of her incredible books:

Louise Hay also has a movie, “You Can Heal Your Life”

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