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Daily BrokeHozempic Schedule

(or shedjule for the Brits)

impatientdieter supergut liquid diet weight loss schedule

Creating a daily schedule for yourself is crucial in staying on track with your regimen. Spend some time formulating your plan for success.  To ensure that you get everything done in the day, set alarms on your watch, tablet, or phone. Here is my Daily Eating, Exercise, and Mental/Spiritual Regimen for my BrokeHozempic Weight Loss Plan.

Complete Updated Daily Schedule



AH Meditation, Mirror Work, Vlog Filming



Morning Workout Plan -- see notes below (Fasted Cardio)



Eat every hour + drink water
(4 shakes 11:30-2:30; 2 meals 3:30 & 5:30)



Evening Workout Plan -- see notes below



OM Meditation, Evening Reflection/Journaling, Overnight Subliminal Messages

**When I exceeded the weight capacity for my treadmill, my exercises included walking my dogs on the dog track and jumping on the trampoline. Please see the “Season 2, Day 2: Workouts For The Morbidly Obese” video on my channel for more information. However, I have returned to my treadmill (WOOOO!) and I walk at a speed of 3.0 and an incline of 5.0 for 1 hour in the morning and 1 hour in the evening. I couldn’t be happier! I also have a Total Gym, Resistance Bands, an Ab Roller, and a Vibration Machine.  Videos for all of those will be posted shortly on my Exercise Page.
**This is an “ideal” schedule; we know how “schedules” go – often ends later (the earlier the better for metabolic reasons).
**I don’t wake up at 6:00am like most of you do, so my schedule is obviously different than yours would be.
**I should mention I spend half the day peeing (with a liquid diet you’re flushing your system all day).
**I am guaranteed to never feel deprived. The natural GLP-1 triggered by The Shakes helps curb hunger.
**I am getting in tons of protein. I never feel weak. In actuality, sometimes I find it hard to eat everything.
**There is NOTHING difficult about my plan. Everything is easy. I created my plan to guarantee that I would not fail.  Please note: I am not a Doctor, Dietitian, nor Personal Trainer. I am just sharing my personal weight loss schedule.

Daily Eating Schedule

Intermittent Fasting: 18-6 in a perfect world, but is usually more like a 16-8. That is 16-hour fasting window with an 8-hour eating window.

I don’t wake up hungry, and I like to get the first workout in while “fasted.” So I wake up around 9:00am, get my first workout in, and then have my first shake around 11:30ish. That starts the eating window. For my dinners/suppers, I do prefer to cook rather than meal prep. If you meal prep for the week on the weekends, then you can obviously keep an extremely tight/precise schedule. As long as I don’t exceed an 18-6 intermittent fasting schedule, I’m happy. I eat between 1200-1300 calories per day (but usually, it’s right around 1200). I am never deprived.  As I mentioned, sometimes it is hard to eat as much food as I do (and I’m a food addict!), so you shouldn’t be concerned about feeling hungry.

11:30 amShake 190 calories
12:30 pmShake 290 calories
1:30 pmShake 390 calories
2:30 pmShake 490 calories
3:30 pmSupper420 calories
5:30 pmDinner420 calories
Total:1200 calories

**The solid meals are just an approximate calorie count. I shoot for around 400-450 calories per meal. Black women are 2-3 times more likely to suffer from iron-deficient anemia. For my dietary needs, I require meat every day to keep my anemia in check.

**See my Diet Page for an explanation of my diet and eating schedule as well as informational links regarding how eating many meals throughout the day speeds up your metabolism, and how intermittent fasting aids in weight loss.

Daily Exercise Schedule

9:00am Morning Workout

20 min Warm-up Rebounding/Trampolining
1 hr Walk On Treadmill Speed 3.3, Incline 5.0
20 min Total Gym Pilates Legs (Daily)
25 Abdominal Crunches For Each Side
50 Inner Thigh Circular Leg Lifts
Callanetic Arms Exercises

7:00pm Evening Workout

20 min Warm-up Rebounding/Trampolining
1 hr Walk On Treadmill Speed 3.3, Incline 5.0
20 min Total Gym
(Alternating Arms Days & Legs/Glutes Days)
25 Abdominal Crunches For Each Side
50 Inner Thigh Circular Leg Lifts
Callanetic Arms Exercises

** Your metabolism is the slowest early in the morning and in the evening. Exercising at those times of the day are crucial in revving up your metabolism and ensuring it stays revved up burning that fat all day long. The benefit of exercise is not the calories burned during the exercise; that is of far less impact than the fact that you are boosting your metabolism to burn fat all day.
**See my Exercise Page for information on each exercise and informational links for performing each.
**Also learn how you can get free or cheap treadmills and other athletic equipment in your local area.

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